In Reply to: More food for thought posted by Passing By on October 17, 2002 at 10:13:29:
I've heard of a few people returning to the Family, but nothing like the old days where people just couldn't take the lifestyle and got burned out on the witnessing, so left, then later got so "convicted" that they returned to what they felt was God's willand sacrificial living.
But in the many years since then, a lot more people leave because they're fed up with the abuse or the weird doctrines---neither of which was the predominant reason in the early days. So I doubt that a lot of people these days, once they've had enough, decide to go back.
But as far as getting "cuddly" with the Family and sort of half slipping back into the mindset that they're really serving God, really love Jesus and so let's all ignore our differences, I can't see why anyone would want to do that. I love individual Family members (some more than others obviously) but I can't ever see slipping back into a cozy mindset.
Things have just become so clear in recent years I fail to see why anyone would want to go back.