In Reply to: Re: I heard you, WC, but I was fishing posted by Charlie on June 11, 2002 at 09:32:28:
And we could argue that forever. The problem is, Maria continues on in the insanity, that little prick in her conscience has gone unheeded for so long it's like it says in the bible, having their conscience seered with a hot iron, she will not wake up to the truth. For her to tell the children in this group that what happened to them when they were young was not bad and shouldn't be looked upon as being bad, that in itself is an abuse, that cannot be condoned.
IT is true that abused people often become abusers, however, often they don't because they work at not being like that and they break the cycle of abuse. Trouble is, what Maria is doing, regardless of what category you want to put her in is criminal and should be brought to light for what it is. Here's a scenario - you have a really nice neighbor that just adores your children, he invites them in for cookies and while your back is turned, abuses them, telling them to keep it quiet or they'll get in trouble. You finally find out and you also find out that your neighbor that sexually violated your kids was also violated as a child. Do you excuse him and say, oh, bygones be bygones, we know you had it rough as a kid too? I think you'd take him to court and let the court do its job so that he will not be able to carry on with the abuses to OTHER children. thats what I would do. I don't think you or I are psychologically equiped enough to heal these type of people. THe trouble with the Catholic church is they had that Christian idea that if someone repents, it's all over, forget it, put the rapist back in the pulpit. Sadly, they are finding it how wrong they were.