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Re: I heard you, WC, but I was fishing

Posted by Charlie on June 11, 2002 at 09:32:28:

In Reply to: I hear you! posted by WC on June 08, 2002 at 05:39:36:

Thanks for your, "I heard you" post a little on down the board. I was away fishing for the weekend and haven't been able to respond until now. I don't really think that you are stupid ( but you did join a cult - ha), and I'm glad you don't think you are either. I was thinking of the movie Forset Gump when I said that, jokingly even, but as you say, cyber space has a way of jumbling what's really being said and how it's being said. I appeciate you saying that you think you understand where I'm coming from - that both Marina (for example) and Maria have been abused, and that Maria is (in our opinions) an on going abuser.

Marina brought out the degrees of distinctiion that you brought out and I can understand and go along with some of that, so I'm not going to go into it here other than to say "SORRY" to those who may have been offended by the anology. But, at the same time, you bring out that she, Maria, PURPOSELY and INTENTIONALLY deceives the masses, inspite of the letters and pleas and what have you from the rank and file, that she purposely hardens her heart. such is the power of denial, in my opinion.

I FEEL, AGAIN , that she, Maria, has been brought up in the Lord to believe that what she does, she does for the Lord, that it's OK in God's eyes, and that it's us, and man, and the System, who are the ones who have got it all wrong. I beleive that she still believes that she and they, the Family, are the avant guard, (we used to) and I also believe that she believes that the Family freedoms are worth fighting for and, as she brought out in the Summit Jewels, even worth dying for.

You feel it's INTENTIONAL! I feel it's DELUSIONAL! Hmmn! Now what?