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The Family in the News
Abuse within "The Family"
Listen to BBC's Monday's Edition Updated at 09:06 GMT on Monday Sept 18, 2006
... a controversial religious group called "The Family International", also once known as "Children of God"... created in the 1960s by David Berg. Though he died in 1994, the group still has thousands of members on several continents. A documentary recently shown on British television investigates the story of Ricky Rodriguez, once seen as David Berg's chosen successor and tries to explain why he killed himself after murdering another member of The Family. Two former members of the group, Sarah and Don, tell Outlook why they think what they claim is institutionalised sexual abuse is the reason behind Ricky's actions. A spokeswoman for the group finally tells us why they deny these allegations."
Acts - 60 minutes show in Australia
Dr. Phill - exposé on The Family, and surviving its aftermath
FBI investigates Sex cult - The Courier-Mail, Australia Nov. 19, 2005
Band on the run with rock'n'roll in their blood - The Times, UK Oct. 29, 2005
'The Family' Religious Sect Has Ties To San Diego - KFMB, USA Oct. 3, 2005
The accidental activist - UC Berkeley News, USA Sep. 16, 2005
FBI Launches Investigation Into Sex Cult - KFMB TV, USA Apr. 4, 2005
People Raised In Sex Cult Gather For Memorial - KFMB, USA Mar. 28, 2005
Helping to Take the Cult Out of the Man - Irish Times, Ireland Mar. 21, 2005
Sect linked to January slaying launches memorial Web sites for victim, killer - Arizona Daily Star, USA Mar. 18, 2005
Growing up in a cult - Los Angeles Times, USA Mar. 13, 2005
The Little Girl Seduced in the Name of God - Evening Standard, UK Mar. 9, 2005
Sex: Ex-member believed abuse 'normal' - The San Francisco Chronicle, USA Feb. 27, 2005
Love: Current sect members think so - The San Francisco Chronicle, USA Feb. 27, 2005
La Jolla Foundation Donated to Charity with Ties to Sex Cult - KFMB, USA Feb. 14, 2005
Hewlett grant went to cult-linked charity - San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 12, 2005
Dulzura Charity Funded Accused Child Molester - KFMB, USA Feb. 10, 2005
Cult Member Responds To Abuse Allegations - KFMB, USA Feb. 10, 2005
IRS documents show ties between charity, sex cult - The San Francisco Chronicle, USA Feb. 6, 2005
New Focus on Fringe Religious Sect - ABC News, Primetime Live, USA Jan. 27, 2005
Deaths in the Family - San Francisco Chronicle, USA Jan. 27, 2005
Sect Has Ties To Two Local Charities - KFMBTV Local
8 News, jan 27 '05
Focus on Fringe Religious Sect - ABC News, Jan. 27,
in The Family Common thread of sexual, spiritual abuse
- SF Chronicle, Jan 27, '05
Brings Scrutiny to Church - AP, Jan 25, '05
Talks about Nanny Murder, Suicide
of a son on cult of free love - Sunday Times - World,
Jan 23, '05
Murder linked to cult - Palo Verde Valley Times
Cult's Messiah turns Kille r - Observer, Jan 23, '05
members fear new violence - SF Chronicle, Jan 17,
found dead; may have been slain in home - Tucson Citizen,
Jan 10, '05
probe ties between victim, killer - Tucson Citizen,
Jan 11, '05
name woman killed in Central Tucson apartment - Tucson
Citizen, Jan. 10, '05
kills former nanny, then kills himself - KVOA Eyewitness
News, Jan 10, '05
case in desert evangelical sex cult - SF Chronicle,
Jan 11, '05
in California leads to local body - Arizona Daily
Star, Jan 11, '05
friends blame decades of abuse in sex cult - Arizona
Daily Star Jan 12, '05
suspect, a suicide, raised by cult to lead - Tucson
Citizen, Wednesday, Jan 12, '05
Sect rebuts
claims in murder - Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Arizona
Jan 13, '05
and Suicide Reviving Claims of Child Abuse in Cult -
The NY Times, Jan 15, '05
turns to vengeance against 'Family' Anguished ex-cult member decried years of
abuse before killing 'molester,' himself - SF Chronicle,
Jan 15, '05
revive allegations of abuse - NY Times, via Kansas
City Star Sun, Jan. 16, '05
of Children of God's heir apparent - Washington Times,
'prince' loses control - NY Times via Sun Herald,
Sat, Jan. 15, '05
Group at Center of Deaths - LA Times, Jan 17, '05
P.A. woman's slaying intertwined Killer, son of sect's leader, blamed it for childhood
abuse - Mercury News, Jan 18, '05
Leads to Secretive Cult; Rice Under Fire - CNN - transcript
of ANDERSON COOPER 360 DEGREES, Aired Jan 18, '05
claims sister endured years of abuse -
cult member speaks from grave -
tape, son of 'prophet' declares war on mother - SF
Chronicle, Jan 20, '05