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LaMattery Resource - Security
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Security Security

Submitted by jim. on 2005-04-10 05:56 PM.
Brief Explaination of Postings and Contact with Jim LaMattery as of 4/10/2005

For simplicity's sake, I will not be posting any personal comments on ex-member websites as of today's date 4/10/2005. If anyone has specific questions/comments, they may email me directly at, and I will do my best to answer you.

The postings that I will make on ex-member sites will be limited to update notices, requests for specific information, or news of press and media releases only. My time is extremely limited, so I will not be able to answer frivolus or unecessary questions, or questions that have previously been answered elsewhere on our site.

The request for all of the Davidito Books cannot be spelled out to anyone publicly, as this would obviously jeapordize the intent of collecting them. Thank you for your understanding at this critical time.


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