This board has near-zero moderation and was placed here mainly for the purpose of political discussions. Express yourself, feel free to say just about anything you like, but be sensible and show courtesy and respect. Do not for example:
advocate violence or vigilante action
unduly criticize a fellow board user for affiliation with a legitimate political party or political persuasion
praise hate crimes
preach the destruction of an ethnic group
call someone names
make it personal
harass or cyber-stalk someone
Posts disregarding our simple guidelines will be deleted without notice. Interpretation of the rules is the sole responsibility of the coordinators.
Email Addresses
We strongly recommend that you use public emails (e.g. yahoo, hotmail, etc.) for your contact information when posting. Disclaimer:
This board is open to the public and acts as an instant world-wide publishing medium. All posters on this board assume full legal responsibility
for what they post.
Multiple Pen Names (handles). The use of multiple
pen names is permitted as long as there is no malicious
intent for doing so, and as long as you stick to one name per thread.
Initiating Posts must contain subject matter ("message" box must
be filled) - not just a subject line with no text - "(NT)".
A name or handle is required
The subject line may not be empty
The websites (the "optional link URL" box) and email address boxes
are optional
No advertising or linking for commercial purposes, or to sites and products
which may be understood to be disruptive of the commercial rights of others -
such as pirate software, or sites which encourage piracy.
Unintelligible posts or posts which make no sense to the purpose of the
board or site will be deleted.
Interpretation of the above is the responsibility of the coordinator(s).
This version of the rules and guidelines may be updated without notice
and supersedes all previous versions. The main policies pageof this site
overrides and supersedes all rules and guidelines on this page.
Complaints, suggestions or questions can be sent to the coordinator: