Posted by MG on June 13, 2011 at 03:50:43
In Reply to: Re: Weinergate posted by Pastor Don on June 12, 2011 at 07:18:06:
First of all, he's definitely suffering to some extent from some mental and emotional condition. That's what he's hopefully going to be rehabilitated from.
I'm not posting to defend Weiner's twisted twittering and facebook conversations and postings, but I have a couple of questions about your short post.
Question 1.
May I ask for some elaboration on what "a basic liberal attribute" means. Do you mean by this that left-wing progressive liberal politicians don't take personal responsibility when they get in trouble for misdeeds, sex scandals, but right-wing conservative pols do? (Whether on the left or the right. Both sides have their share.)
Question 2:
About rehabilitation; A religious person who is guilty of extreme scandalous immoral behavior will go to his priest, pastor, and spiritual mentors for help in order to seek forgiveness from God, assume responsibility and be rehabilitated. Some of these same religious people will also go into actual institutional rehab.
A non-religious person getting rehab, whether in an institution or simply with a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist, is going to be assuming responsibility, have help to change, make amends, and be rehabilitated. The last thing real rehab lets anyone do is to blame others and other things.
So religious or non-religious, true rehabilitation doesn’t let you blame other people and things.
You can't think that Weiner doesn't need help. Talk about somebody who lost control. He needs rehab. People trained in psychology can do better to explain from what.
In conclusion: there are so many examples of "family values" conservative politicians, centrists, and progressive liberal pols getting caught in sex scandals, whether with prostitutes, or with mistresses who worked under them, or with interns, or in public toilet stalls, or online etc. Power must make them think abnormally ….like I said I'll trust the experts to explain it.