Jules passed away

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Posted by on June 08, 2012 at 13:37:57

I was very sad to see on Facebook that Julia McNeil, "Jules" the Webmaster from MovingOn.org died this week from cancer.

Posted by her sister Jo Thyssen:

"On Tuesday June 5th 2012 at 19.10 we lost our beautiful sister, Julia Marie McNeil, to cancer.
At age 37 her life was cut far too short. Her passing has left such a great hole in our hearts.
After spending weeks in the hospital and at St. Luke’s hospice she wanted desperately to be at home which is where she spent her final few days with her family and the dog she so loved.
Her life touched so many people. Her strength, beauty, dignity and authenticity she carried with her to the very end.
I didn’t realise how much of my heart you held until I felt it ache, you held it all dear sister and I love you with all of it!"

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