Re: Searching for Berg quote on Tenerife airplane disaster

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Posted by excog on May 22, 2011 at 11:26:37

In Reply to: Re: Searching for Berg quote on Tenerife airplane disaster posted by F2 on May 20, 2011 at 18:57:53:

Hi Perry,

I remember distinctly a whole Letter of cursing on Tenerife because of the judge there and the legal system cracking down on Berg. Probably a month or two after there was the terrible aircraft accident and Berg connected the two events in another Letter with a personal cause and effect

Have you tried looking up "the wrath of god" or "god's curses" "why disasters" -- somehow "the wrath of god" is what came to mind when I read your inquiry. unfortunately after all the 'purging' a lot of this may not be around. I donated an entire unpurged library to the university of Alberta some years ago - all one would have to do is look up the time period and this stuff could easily be found.

good luck on your search and if I can think of anything else I will post it here.

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