There are monumental changes underway in TFI. They call it "The Change Journey". It is a work in progress and the news just keeps coming in. Members are now encouraged to let the children get a higher education; business ventures and employment is now OK for ALL members; the "Conviction & Compromise series" of a few years ago is now being repudiated and more or less viewed as outdated; profound new apologies are being issued to ex-members, which are now (to the chagrin of many ex-m's) being termed 'leave-takers', and, and, and...
It's truly mind boggling as they're virtually overturning almost everything "Jesus said" in the past in order to save the sinking ship. Now Jesus says differently... It's obviously a last ditch effort.
There is also a new, reworked and updated Charter.
Here is the link to the last few months of mind-bending GNs and mailings:
Enjoy! :-)