In Reply to: Re: Peter Riddell (A Mothers Plea) posted by Julie Moy (Jewlz) on July 17, 2009 at 05:07:51:
I, like your son, had to endure a father who waled away and the recurrent nightmares and tears.
After very many years, our paths crossed and all the emotions I had been carrying were unload in an instant when I saw him a defeated man who was silent in a corner watching me as an adult, a successful adult that didn't need him for anything.
I can't deny that my walk to that place and time was difficult at times and always painful but the deliverance was worth everything. I walked away from that experience not only emotionally healed but also stronger. The poor man was full of nothing and his little jesus and his false prophet weren't able to support him in that day of judgement, when God allowed him to his his fruits and be unable to even touch it (me).
I didn't gloat, just felt pity, and stronger when I walked away. Life is hard Steven, but in the end things somehow even up.