I saw on the pubDB on the xFamily.org there are some new GN's. I was scanning some and was so touched at Maria's sensitivity to the Family member's plight. My comments in ()
"Admiration" by Maria October, 2008
2. Thinking about all that you're going through as you fight to fulfill our Love's commission (to keep tithing) broke my heart for you. The tears I cried were tears of admiration and appreciation for the sacrifices (the money you send even though you are poor and scraping the bottom of the barrel) you're making. They weren't tears of regret (shit no, she NEEDS your money). My heart was filled with praise to the Lord for strengthening (so you can keep on fund raising) you and keeping you through the tests, and praise to Him that Peter and I have such wonderful co-workers and fellow laborers to count as friends and mates. As much as this life of love costs us—me (but it costs you MORE - mwah, ha, ha), Peter, you, any of us—we know it's worth it (my retirement fund is almost complete); we're happy to pay the price (keep tithing) and we don't have any regrets. But my heart goes out to you because I know how fierce the struggle(since you're loaded down with a zillion kids and paying bills and reading my daily drivel from the under-world) is at times.