In Reply to: Re: Common Purpose Cult posted by cult alert on November 17, 2008 at 12:11:21:
that the speaker was so cult-leader-like with his affable nature and likability factor, and all his drawn-out conspiracy theories based on personal testimony, I see what you mean. I couldn't stand more than a few minutes of him. It was like listening to Berg all over again. What is your point of posting this here? So we can join another cult which claims to expose the CP cult? We might as well rejoin TF who are the only ones daring to expose the "worldwide Jewish conspiracy" then.
The problem with so many of us (not just exmembers) is that we like others to do our thinking for us, even if it's new authority figures who say they're trying to expose the system which is trying doing our thinking for us. Take Zeitgeist for example: so full of truth and yet so full of untruths and unfacts if you look a bit closer; yet, the inescapable conclusion that they are right and you should believe them unless you are deluded by the system somehow. And so many are falling for it, because on the word of the producers, Zeitgeist theories are already "proven" to be facts. Yeah right!