In Reply to: Re: How come world/american finance-"strategies" don't make a "splash"/"dr posted by Farmer on September 19, 2008 at 08:57:35:
It's hard not to go partisan on this one, Farmer. Government deregulation of business and the gutting of public oversight through the Securities Exchange Commission has long been touted as way to loosen the stifling grip of Big Government on economic growth. Where we are today is the result of "conservative" laissez-faire market policies going back to 1984 and the advent of trickle-down or "supply-side" economic theory.
It's hard to even find accurate language to talk about this, because the "conservative" party is not really conservative regarding fiscal policy and the opposition party (i.e., the proponent of government regulation & oversight) died in the congressional mid-term election of 1994.
Far as I can tell with U.S. government bail-out of AIG, the U.S. is now a socialist country. Hah-hah! What a freakin' joke. U.S. taxpayers get to prop up global financial markets, and we don't even have universal health coverage.
Do I think the U.S. is on the verge of economic collapse? Absolutely. It doesn't take a weatherman or a prophet to tell which way the wind blows.