In Reply to: To Farmer posted by General Public on August 07, 2007 at 01:53:05:
You're most welcome...you're a very nice & sensible/sensitive soul & much of my defending/arguing is often with people's unwillingness to be as precise as possible...we can't be super precise, as we're human...much is fuzziness/approximation in our life...if not all of it...I have a beef with people who aren't legitamtely proclaiming some law of nature or spirit...but you rectified it all super-nicely...compliments.
It might be due to my few semesters in math, where I discerned the use of all quators or existence quantors.
Theorems with the claim for all x there must be such & such mathematical, logical pattern/law are
of course always a highlight to be proven from other widespread accepted axioms.
But much of what we claim is by virtue of induction, less deduction...by experiment.
There are also theological claims, like for all have sinned (which is a journeys-subject) & I accept that& that brings me back to our little conversation: I know I was deeply wrong
in TF...but even before that & I still got much to learn & to overcome...I agree with lots/all MG said above...howbeit I also claim human beings are allowed to learn by mistake.Since I drive regurlarly by car, I also regurlarly fuss over peoples inability to drive in a better/lawabiding style...but I couldn't say I am faultless...they apparently learn while driving/practicing & some suffer by people's immaturity...I think that is also metaphoric of history & us getting to know the right way of doing things.
I also want to compliment you...it was right & good to be very supportive of Celeste...I still haven't read her book, but I really have decided since long that I want to read it & also pass the info on to others.
I know what an impact Deborahs book made on me 7 years back.So thank you for responding so softly/softspoken...
Quite a relief from some people, who don't get what one wants to get across...on the other hand
it proves, that people "think for themselves" now.