So I have seen this countless times before. Blind faith. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to compare the family members to any other groups. I just would like to understand how people can do things that the very fiber of there being says is wrong. I am not sure how I would have reacted. Would I have done the right thing. I have never been a follower but rather a watcher. I does teach me that when i see bad things happening that I should speak up. I have always had admeration for those that did not cave into peer presure. The girl that tells everyone to quit picking on the fat kid. In the cases of Nazi germany it is said hitler used the jews as a scapegoat to explain the economic depression that had fall over his mother land. When tims were tough he offered them the ultimate solution. But if they would have look within they would have relized there quest for power and greed led their to there defeat in WWI and that was the cause of there decay. ( sorry about the tangent ) If anyone here is guilty of any injustices please give us an idea of what was going through your head. Or if you were a watcher why did you not speak up for those that had no voice?