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> post #27518
"being obnoxious"
Posted by Visitor on July 19, 2006 at 22:05:52Thinking about this point early today I couldn't remember many people in TF whom I would consider jerks. Yes, there were quite a few "better than all of you" leaders and some people in position of authority who couldn't handle leadership gracefully. But I can't remember the just plain old fart who for no reason or even with reason would shoot some offcolor remark.
I didn't live with Berg, so I am not counting him. Just reading some of his own accounts show that he was the perfect example of a jerk.
On this side of the line, in the system, we find jerks fairly often. I am still lost when it comes to dealing with them. They don't make sense to me - and when I say "them" I also mean "me" as well. I can be a jerk too. I think we all have the potential to be one.
This is why I am always amazed (now, don't anybody get jumpy with this word) when people almost have the right to be upset and act like a jerk but instead opt for acting with dignity and politely. Just like jerks, and jerkettes, for that matter, deserve a good spanking, good boys and girls should also be commended for their good citizenship in this virtual community.
For my part, cheers to all of you who normally behave so nicely to uplift, encourage and support your fellow walkers. My respects to those who are still trying to preserve a humble attitude. Thanks to all of you.
The obnoxious have their own reward, including me.