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Re: Barry ought to care

Posted by Observer on May 17, 2006 at 19:58:26

In Reply to: Re: Barry ought to care posted by Jewlz on May 17, 2006 at 18:54:52:

You're more than welcome. I think it's just amazing that your son still cares so deeply about having a father-son relationship. Barry would be out of his mind to miss this one. The Family taught us to be so 'sold out' that we gladly put the Cause before any human relations, but Barry's out now & you really just have to hope all the lights have been going on for some time. We all went through the waking up process, some faster, some slower, but let's hope that at least in this one very important area, that Barry does whatever it takes to establish a relationship. A phone call would be a good place to start.