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Re: Vendetta

Posted by moonshiner on May 15, 2006 at 13:41:50

In Reply to: To Everyone posted by Deb on May 14, 2006 at 19:45:37:

I have no personal vendetta against you. I am only interested in the Truth regarding TF and their affiliates.

You came to this board without any awareness of the rules or of the community of people who frequent this site. You were rude, offensive and by your own admission tried to mess up our search for the truth regarding your dad's affiliation with TF. You misled us, swore at us, threatened us and played mind games with us. But despite your poor defence of your father and your admitted mischief, we were able to glean at least a bit information from you.

Btw, I'm not Daniel Roselle as you guessed in one post. As far as I know Daniel always posts as himself or as Albatross. Believe it or not, I wish you well in your life. I just don't take kindly to anyone deliberately trying to mess with my head. I had enough of that in TF.