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Re: I don't think that's what he meant

Posted by JoJo on May 04, 2006 at 20:04:25

In Reply to: I don't think that's what he meant posted by Observer on May 04, 2006 at 13:19:07:

FROM OBSERVER:That may also be the case, but my take on what Jojo is saying is that on reduced status you can live life without obeying Family 'disciple' rules, so long as you still basically believe in the Family, speak up to defend it & don't outright criticize it.

Well not exactly. To keep FM (fellow memeber) status you only have to send in 10% tithe and a simple report every month. You don't have to defend or speak up for the family. However open criticism would probably cost you the membership. There are a lot of people who are FM status because of their different circumstances, not just because they dislike what's happening inside the family.

All the best