In Reply to: Thanks - I read it posted by Observer on February 24, 2006 at 21:10:04:
Hi Observer,
I'm not sure when you left or on what conditions you left the family on, but you sure do seem to need a lot of concrete evidence to essentially cover a simple matter in the family at this time. I've only left fulltime for a little over 6 months now. Regardless of what others in a home may "get" in prophecy, the final say still belongs to the individual involved, or parents involved if it concerns children. These matters must be followed according to the charter.
On a different matter when the family was recently having their new push, it was defintely mentioned that they could change the charter, but that was mainly concerning the home size and members rules with the new status levels, as they are basically forcing people to work together lest the whole family fall apart.
Hope that helps a bit.
All the best, JoJo