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Re: OK - this is enough

Posted by OT2 on February 24, 2006 at 11:08:14

In Reply to: OK - this is enough posted by Acheick on February 24, 2006 at 10:08:06:


As I nearly always do (can't remember when I didn't, in fact), I agree with you here, for the same reasons, and some more,as well.

First, this is GeneXers, and not Journeys, but I sense that it is OK here to address what appear to be inconsistencies in the belief paradigms expressed by other posters; not to object to their right to their own opinion, which I do not, but to promote clearer and more honest thinking.

First of all, an FGA who left 8 years ago probably has some unresolved "true moral guilt", from having participated in the abuses (sexual, beatings/"exorcisms", confinement/torture/low self esteem "worm theology" brainwashing, etc.), directly as leadership, or complicitly as cowardly older Berg-follower; like it or not.

The striking inconsistency with "In the Know's" (a quite arrogant self-appointed name, obviously)avowed love for Christ and all things Christian, and the apparent apathy, lack of remorse, absence of any acknowledgement of the true moral outrage at the sin as something INFINITELY grievous to God within ANY true and consistent Christian paradigm, APART from "forgiving the sinner" struck me as quite glaring, and evidence of someone being either still maladjusted or rankly hypocritical.

I live in Houston, and the exer grapevine here is that there quite a few former leadership exers here who are known not to care about the evil they perpetrated, or allowed to be perpetrated on their watch.

As such, they are definitely NOT "in the know", but are simply self-centered jerks by most standards; whether or not they are professing Christians. I assume that fasle or hypocritical "christianity" is a bona fide and legitimate topic here, since it is the foundation for the theology which caused us all so much grief and suffering in the first place!

They show no grief at all for what they actually did or were responsible for, and are perpetually, thus, stuck in the necessary grief process, at the stage of denial, without pursuing the resolution necessary to their own mental health, if not spiritual health or social compassion for those harmed, ESPECIALLY SGAs, but also family, "kings" lied to to steal goods from, and so on and so on.

Their attitude toward LESSER FGAs is, "Who?", as if we're beneath their contempt.

Arrogance cannot hide you for long; eventually your own conscience will protest, and failure to come clean will cost you; psychosocially and otherwise; regardless of your opinion. The psychology of your attitudes and behavior will find you out, as Christian theology says about sin.

Christian theology and practice does not ONLY involve "personal, private, me & Jesus" apologies to God, and the same is experientially found to be true about sound psychological self-care--it MUST involve others--read the professional literature; I have (perhaps Jay E. Adams' "Competent to Counsel" might help you--it involves necessary repentance to others).

Public confession is also required; you're just not in the position of having MT 18:14-17 applied to you--are you accountable to anyone at all?

Come on--it'll do your conscience good. It'll also embarass us other Christians if you don't.

Otherwise your comments are, IMO, merely glib and those of a hard-hearted hypocrite; at least within the paradigm of Christian behavior which you have espoused here.

A superior attitude implying "I've 'maturely' moved on and you haven't, probably because I'm an FGS and you're an SGA" to the other poster was quite offensive and inappropriate--I've offended the guidelines here on geneXers before, as well, and it really serves no purpose.

Frankly, what you wrote is either offensive, or no one cares that you don't care, which makes you a person NOT worth knowing at this time in your life--just what was your purpose in posting?

Where is your compassion? Or, did you stay with TF over the years fr a sens of self-importance, which you haven't conqered, yet?

OT2 (OldtimerToo)