The cult of "Eckankar" leader used similar falsehoods
"Look at it from my point of view. I am a seeker who is learning to place his spiritual trust into the hands of a living master. I find out that Paul Twitchell, the founder of ECKANKAR, has plagiarized, spurned his own spiritual teacher, Kirpal Singh, (not to mention cover-up any connection to him), and has probably fabricated the ECK masters such as Rebazar Tarzs. What am I to do, just ignore these well-researched allegations?"
here is a link:
I had read on another site which I can't find but am looking for that the founder of Eckankar had been drinking and passed a sing for a turn off that was similar to the name of a fabricated 500 yr old monk supposedly living in the Himalyan mts named "Rebazar Tarz"
Ex-member who questioned this as well as other inconsistencies of the movement, while STILL MEMBERS, became ex members when the exposes could not be answered.
I think exposure of cults and their fallacies aimed at cementing control and power over others should be exposed as much as possible. I hope people ask Maria about the fabrication of Abrahim and the gypsies spirit guide thing. I am interested on how she would lie her way around that one.