In Reply to: Some of Aaron's songs lame?? Sacrelige! posted by What? on November 30, 2005 at 17:57:46:
Ya, und so, let us look at zee beavers; ya? Za beavers are no doubt symbolic of zee female genitalia, ya?
Und, what ve have here is the utter humiliation of zee female sex. Utter humiliation. Primitive.
I am sorry to tell you of zis ancient and disturbing symbols, rites, und rituals of the Dionysian subconsciousness.
Of course, Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Und so, ve can conclude zat sometimes a beaver is just a beaver.
---------------Vich leads to zese thoughts-----
ZEE other interpretation is that zis is a haiku type poem---zee simplicity is astounding--pure genius---und yet, I am sorry to conclude, zee story ends.
America has not destroyed zee beaver population. Zat is a very veak generalisation---und a lie.
Zee writer of zese lyrics is incapable of plain language, he is a disturbed romantic, he must continually resort to hyperbole. He cannot see vaht is before his eyes and must exaggerate and shout to hide his narrow and distorted view of reality.
A shaman, a stranger, he must travel, he must find new customers for his juggling act and magic wares...he is depicted in history as the fool and the clown.
Yaaa. Das ist de ding. Yaaa.