In Reply to: Steven David -- Can anyone add to this? posted by Researcher on November 27, 2005 at 17:44:22:
The Fearsome foursome consisted of Eve, Stephen, Aaron and Shula. Berg put that team together sending Aaron and Shula with Jane(Eve)and Stephen to help Ebed up in Toronto Canada. They pioneered the Toronto colony along with several bands that originally went up there, and quite a few good musicians.
Stephen was given a lot of credit that did not go to him on many occassions.
Aaron was the first person along with Shula and Marriane in Paris to pass out literature in which the French gave donations to them. Aaron was given an assignment in Paris to help French Joseph with translating the Mo letters and getting them published. They originally published four letters out of the Shepherding book. One of them was "Diamonds of Dust." and they printed up several hundred of them. Aaron went out with Marriane (called Abeile at the time) and Shula. Aaron was going very fast getting them out with Marriane and Shula was making up the rear collecting the money so that she could pay for baby food and baby supplies for Mene Mene (Merry). Aaron said to Shula, "We will pass out the literature and you collect." He wasn't into the money as much as getting out the Word. Shula need the money for Mene Mene.
One would have thought that Berg would have seen to it that his son and wife and grandchild might be better cared for a members of his family than being forced to beg on the street. But it showed what Berg really thought about his own son. And of course Aaron's suicide came shortly after being treated so condescendingly.
Jane came through Paris and Aaron was so out of it, depressed for being kicked out of his families inner circle, and having been put down in England by his father; anyway she took Aaron to Switzerland, to try to help him.
Hosea came through Paris on the way to Switzerland. There he talked to Shula who told Hosea how people had given them money for passing out the literature in Paris. Deborah and Jethro were nice enough at that time to see Shula had been begging to get needs for the baby and gave her enough to supplement buying a baby stroller.
Hosea is the one who went back to London and told Berg about how Aaron and Shula had passed out the literature in Paris and gotten money doing it. How Stephen and even Becky got the credit for it all had to do with who Berg felt like promoting at the time. Becky was in Paris, but she had money for her baby, so she didn't have to pass out any literature to get needs for her baby. She only repeated again what Shula and Aaron had done, along with Marriane.
Berg gave credits to whomever he felt like. And most of the time the Bergs took credit for things others did anyway. Credit Glory hogs.
Aaron loved the Word. Aaron would never have turned getting out the Word into a way of abusing babes with quotas.