In Reply to: Re: You were so brave posted by Natalie on November 11, 2005 at 07:39:33:
I can’t imagine why anyone other than a Family member or Family sympathizer would be mad at you for having the courage to tell your story. You have nothing but my admiration, & if you post on MovingOn, I’m sure you will receive similar strong support. The Family is an evil organization that needs to come to justice. Stories such as yours need to be told.
I understand that some people would like timelines—the when & wheres—especially if they were in the same country as you at the same time, & like Farmer said somewhere below, if this happened in a Home he was in & he didn’t know about it, he wants to know who abused you. It would probably very much change his opinion of that ‘brother.’
But as far as needing to see a timeline before actually believing your story, I don’t think that’s the case. When I read the final decision of the British Court case, I noticed again & again that after an ex-member would testify, Lord Justice Ward would say words to the effect of, ‘& I believed her’ or ‘& I was satisfied that this had indeed happened.’ His written doubts were reserved for Family members testifying, & he said, ‘unfortunately I was not able to believe him.’
The reason Lord Justice Ward could reach a decision as to who was telling the truth & who was lying in each case was largely because the person was right there testifying in front of them & he could see their facial expression & hear their tone of voice. We were able to do the same thing when we saw you on TV. I saw you speak & like Justice Ward I can say, ‘I believed her.’
You are an amazing person, as are Richard and Tracy and Eva St. John. I thought they were all tremendously gutsy to bare their souls like that on public TV.