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Law and Order SVU 2004 episode "Charisma"

Posted by Goth88 on October 23, 2005 at 15:34:28

In Reply to: excellent explanation posted by Acheick on October 23, 2005 at 15:20:30:

I watched a Law and Order SVU re-run I had not seen before from 2004 entitled "Charisma". It was about a cult leader that incested and molested children and sheared the sheep, absconding from place to place with the money. The investigator that interviewed him (Mariska) was being Hannibal Lechter style manipulated by him, or at least he was attempting to manipulate her asking her why she was drawn to the SVU unit, what happened to her but then she turned it around on him and said something like: You know what you are? You are REALLY pathetic. You are not just a con man but even more pathetic than THAT, you are a con man who has bought his own con.. Berg to a tee........
I know the Family has cleaned up the facade under Maria and there may even be units who operate and send in money that aren't aware of what happens in inner core groups. I don't know how it is operated today, but still the group is sexualized in a bizarre way via the LJR and by being duplicitous: showing one thing to the general public and a very different thing to inner disciples, like saying Berg was never wrong in Summit Jewels. I am SOOOOOO glad that letter was published and made it out of the group.
One reason people can lie to themselves about whether sexual abuse has happened is thatthey are rationalizing that if something is done in "love" it cannot be "abuse". Sexual molestation of children etc. is not LOVE and it IS ABUSE.