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What was Berg?

Posted by Goth88 on October 23, 2005 at 13:06:13

Was he Catholic when he made a push into Catholic countries? No. He just utilized the "blessings" of the Catholic hierarchy to reach people but he encouraged some followers in Catholic countries to use the church. Sometimes the way he encouraged it made it seem like we were actually going that way. I remember feeling like that when I was part of that Catholic push but Berg was quick to clarify and point out that we weren't merging with anyone. He also made a point to verify in a letter somewhere that in largely Protestant countries we shouldn't be catering in the same way to the Catholics.
Was Berg a "hippie"? No. But he saw an opportunity to reach USA youth who were disillusioned with a country deeply divided by a major war the USA was involved AND youth who were at war with their parents in many instances and he wanted to reach these youth with his young adult children.
Was Berg a Jew? He dreamt of a kibbutz where he would take the family to set up a Christian commune/kibbutz in Israel but when he realized Israel did not allow proselytizing he began to see them as devils.
Jews don't see other Jews as devils. Berg was megalomaniacal..the whole world revolved around him. If God is the highest most important thing to the world, and he is THE endtime prophet, God's mouthpiece, then in a sense he is God and God doesn't like anything that doesn't revolve around him.
Was Berg a Communist? No. He used the prop of communal living for power and as an attractant to socialist oriented youth looking for purpose in life and a sense of belonging. At the same time there were classes that eluded to communism as far as the word and communal living was concerned, he was. But as far as politics goes, he was not.

Berg was virtually reactionary with his attitude towards women who should get married at least by a year within the family (in the early days) and start producing--babies, with his early days readings from Wurmbrand and Frankel.These books centered around being tortured and surviving but not being "bitter". IT fit in good with his endtime fear factor scenario still used by "Mama" to this day. Fear of end time is a good tool for control.

Was he totalitarian? Yes. He wanted a society that revolved around him and around his ever revolving ideology. Most of all, it revolved around HIM. ("Are you facing toward the pillar?")Whether he became pro-Catholic, pro- Jewish, pro-Ghadaffi, pro-military dictatorship it all centered on his chameleon efforts at obtainint and maintaining power to further his agenda.

I know I didn't join for sex and certainly not for pedophilia which were not experienced with lower rank and file and neither did I have any clue about that as someone who just turned 18, anymore than others did that were younger or in their early twenties. Or for that matter, neither did people who were older and treated like kings and queens and sucked in and drained of their assets being either assimilated within the cult or spit out. Usually the latter.

BERG WAS A PREDATOR. MARIA, AKA MAMA IS A PREDATOR. She is a pea in the pod of false propheticism. She was an opportunist from the beginning as was Berg and quickly worked her way up to his side and in his bed.

Berg was one thing and one thing only: a SELF SERVING PSYCHOPATHIC PREDATOR. I believe he knew exactly what he wanted to orchestrate from the beginning. He was a pedophile before he started the group but almost nobody knew that.

When I began to realize it, it is important to acknowledge HOW and WHY I did not react with horror when the changes began to occur. It is NOT important to talk about this on the outset when talking with Secong Generation who were so severely abused within the group. The first step is for them to be validated for their experiences, but at some point it is also important for people to know how a person gets from point A (joining) to point Z (indoctrinated and capable or horrific acts and/or submitting
to them.)