I wanted to thank people like Monger & ThePedanticPrick & others who are doing an important but thankless job holding the line at the Wikipedia (online entry) about the Family. If you go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_God you'll see that the Family is engaged in a determined cover-up war to make themselves look as good as possible in this online encyclopedia, constantly whitewashing their past & changing the text.
In several places, if you check the 'History' tab in the top right corner, that the Family editors are listed as having 'vandalized' the site because they change encyclopedia entries without presenting facts or giving arguments. They simply make the changes to cover up for the Family.
Ha! They call you guys the Vandari, but they're the Vandals!
It must take a lot of persistence to wage a frustrating battle against such deceivers & con-men, & keep your cool. I understand that this has been going on for many months.