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I map the Mosquito Queen's genome for a living

Posted by LaFourmi on October 19, 2005 at 20:17:40

In Reply to: I'm a Polymath currently in Autodidacts Anonymous posted by locke on October 19, 2005 at 18:58:36:

Vous êtes formidable, mon enfant sauvage d'un esprit plus élevé!

I have great respect for autodictats. I was one myself for the better part of 30 years. Things changed when I decided to get the necessary credentials to become an indentured servant of the Anti-Christ System. OK, I sold out, but only because I wanted to earn enough money to crawl out of intentional poverty. I'd like to retire into something that looks like genteel poverty and leave a half-million dollars for my two children to inherit. Not unworthy goals, imo.

When I take on the pretentions of polymathism, people call me "weird" and "queer." I am fascinated by your apparent interest in deviance.

My motto is Ghandi's motto:

'A "no" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a "yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.'

Having posted that, I will admit to being a mamby-pamby, ass-kissing wuss who says all sorts of stuff I don't believe just to engage someone in a respectful exchange of ideas. I do the same sort of sucking up to make money. Lots of it--Money, that is. The level of sucking up I do is tolerable and well worth the payoff.

I am a serious melachonic who is simply waiting to die. That moment will be the high point of my life, which is filled with physical & emotional pain and the hope of redemption from pain. Herein lies the difference between bipolar and unipolar brain disease, mon frere.

My name is whatever the hell I feel like at the moment, and I am guilty of having intellectual shit Piled Higher and Deeper than 98% of the general population. Please don't hold that against me. I managed to hold onto my humanity, despite the soul-destroying hazing that club membership cost me.

Pleased to make your acquaintance, locke. When I'm waiting for my SPSS files to run to end of job at work tomorrow, I'll check out your personal website.