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A request

Posted by John Jr. on October 06, 2005 at 15:24:51

I don't know how the rest of my family feels but I am going to sign off on this topic until Dr. Phil feels it's appropriate to air a second show. Anyone who watches the Dr. Phil show knows that second shows are generally only aired after the individuals head down the path towards healing. There are many people that are supportive in our family healing, and those that are not. My personal family, that being my uncle, siblings, parents and cousins love each other and are positive that we will find closure. I am supportive of your families finding closure and I’m certain there are other families in our community that have thankfully already healed.

Everyone took something different away from the show. The Family is trying to ignore the Jim and Kristi segment as they want nothing more than for the two of them to remain hurt. It would be a nightmare for The Family if Dr. Phil could actually step in and help resolve an issue that they helped create. The ripple effect of that would be enormous. They picked up China's question to her mom and are trying to defend their position by sending once again, their sga's out to answer it and smear my wife and I on China's question was directed at her mother, The Family had better honor it!

Like Beth said on KFMB, "this story has many layers". This story is deep, not just the story of our family but all of our stories. We were all victims of sorts and there comes a time and place when each of us on our own must work, yes work, on moving on. That's why my wife and I agreed to appear on the show and I'm certain that is why Jim and Kristi did too. Closure for everyone is different: for some it’s prosecution, for others it’s to topple Zerby, for me it’s a mixture of all the above but most important it’s getting my family and my wife's family back. That’s my MER and I’ve committed to obtaining it in order to move on.

One thing for certain we can all agree on is that the board is a place where there are no FG's and SG's, rather there is a unified front. It’s my hope that we can continue to use it to reach out to those of our loved ones that remain in the group. Personal family is one border that they cannot close no matter how hard they try. Our blood brothers and sisters in the group are always going to be our brothers and sisters and will be so until the day we die. We will always affect each other in some way or another. The Family's downfall is when personal families connect, and it's my beleif that to do so in front of a national audience will set a precedent that can be repeated over and over again. They know it, we know it and that's precisely why they called it "The Family". They tried to claim something that was never theirs and it’s time to take it back.

So without saying much more, good luck to all of us. The ending of this story will be phenomenal and we are not even at half time.

I’d like to now respectfully ask everyone to allow both Jim and Kristi adequate space to move forward and let their therapist work with them on these issues.

Thank you friends and partners.


John Jr.

P.S. For those interested in ratings, the show was viewed by 7% of households across the US alone. Dr. Phil’s closest competitor remains at 2%. The Dr. Phil show considers a show a success when they hit 5%. I think all of our stories are pretty important.