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Searching for da Vinci

Posted by Perry on September 29, 2005 at 15:25:12

I am reading an excellent new biography of Leonardo da Vinci and was curious to know if Berg made any reference to him. I did a search in the COG pubs section of this site and came across this passage from "Our Heavenly City?" #1546. It has nothing to do with da Vinci, but I found it quite interesting to recall how Berg ridiculed Roberts for his 900 foot Jesus vision, even suggesting that Roberts was trying to impress his followers in a bid to raise money for a new building. At the time I was too blind to see Berg's hypocracy and cynicism in laughing off Roberts' vision as a money-making scheme,while expecting us to believe that his occultism, which was far more bizarre than a 900 foot Jesus, was God speaking and working directly through Berg.

"Our Heavenly City?" #1546

3. ORAL ROBERTS SAID HE SAW JESUS ONE TIME 900 FEET TALL! Well, I'm not going to dispute that, he's got the privilege of seeing Jesus too! I don't know why He'd want to be 900 feet tall though! That's sort of far up to look at & His face would be so far away! 900 feet, that's about as tall as the Empire State Building! So why the Lord would want to appear 900 feet tall to a little finite man, I don't know, unless He was trying to impress Oral Roberts with His greatness & power. But I don't think He would have had to impress Oral Roberts, he was already pretty well impressed!

4. I'VE OFTEN WONDERED, HOW DID HE KNOW JESUS WAS 900 FEET TALL WHEN HE WAS STANDING ON THE GROUND & LOOKING AT JESUS 900 FEET UP?--Unless He appeared alongside the Empire State Building! He hasn't got anything on his University Campus that tall to compare Him with. Maybe that was to impress his supporters with his need for that new building he was trying to get some money for!--Ha!

5. WELL, HE'S GOT AS MUCH RIGHT TO SAY HE'S SEEN JESUS 900 FEET TALL AS I HAVE THAT I'VE SEEN HEAVEN! But if I hadn't had something to compare some of those sizes with, such as people--which is about the best comparison you can have--I wouldn't have had the faintest idea of what I was even looking at or how big it was! But I looked way down & saw those little tiny things that looked like ants crawling on the ground, & it finally dawned on me they were people walking around down there at the base of it! I couldn't say it was 900 feet tall, I don't think it was that tall, but it sure looked awful tall! Maybe the Lord lifted him up eyeball-to-eyeball, & when he looked down, he saw the people were so small he estimated it was 900 feet.

6. I'M DOING QUITE A BIT OF ESTIMATING IN THESE HEAVENLY CITY PICTURES TOO, but I am trying to use known dimensions & measurements that are right there in the Bible which we can stick to & be pretty sure of. And when you see these comparative sizes, such as the size of the corner of the City & the angle of its slant & all that compared to the City Wall, you're getting actual to-scale measurements! So this is exactly the way it looks according to scale.