In Reply to: Scary Clown People posted by susie on September 15, 2005 at 19:52:56:
Who cares? I care.
But apparently many more people don't. They are taken in by the wholesome outward appearance and are convinced by people that are "praying with others to receive Jesus" that people complaining must just be "liars", "apostates", "bitter" etc.
Can anyone fax some copies of Maria's recent Cyclor letter to the D.A. in Texas with concerns about Katrina Donation site and background info on the Family? I have been pro-active recently but won't say how. Just that the more people that say something, put things together and send it in to authorities the harder it will be for autorities to look the other way.
I think it would be useful to send in maybe a copy of the writing about Bergs messing with the military and authorities in The Phillipines, too.