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Re: The family in other countries

Posted by Concerned on August 14, 2005 at 02:32:44

In Reply to: Re: The family in other countries posted by Unworthy Servant on August 13, 2005 at 13:14:22:


I'm not sure what branch of the family are operating in these countries. I found out about Family activities in the other countries from the Family website, but they don't say anything about wheather they're working for FCF, WS or what. Is there any way to find out?

I understand that the Family still preaches free sex among adult members. Do most people know that when they join? Or do they wait until they are throughly brainwashed to tell them?

By "Secretive" countries I meant those where little information comes in or out. In Burma / Myanmar, for example, upscale hotels have CNN, but there are "Security guards" to make sure ordenary people on the street don't go inside and watch. After the tsunami, 1,000 bodies of Burmese citizens washed up along the shore of Thailand at the border, and much of the country was in a prime location for casualities, yet the government still insists that only 46 people died. Forigneers were not allowed in the delta region for a while after the tsunami. When I went there I was advised not to start a conversation with anyone on the street, as they could be arrested. Of course, tour guides, taxi drivers, hotel workers, waiters, etc. are a diffrent story, and they often pass along information to tourists.

I'm wondering, does the Family try to recruit everyone they work with when they do charitable work? I noticed that in the section about Cambodia they mostly talk about their charitable work, but in one page they say, "655 people found God’s love and salvation in Jesus." Does that mean they joined the family?

Thanks for your information.
