In Reply to: Regarding medical marijuana posted by also thinking on June 08, 2005 at 04:05:24:
Your characterization of the legal status of cannabis in the U.S. is a bit misleading and not entirely correct; perhaps you didn't read the article. Federal prosecution for cannabis production is extremely rare, and almost non-existent for personal use. It is individual States that usually prosecute, and there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who use cannabis with impunity in those States that have legalized medicinal use. And some States, like Alaska, don't even make a medical distinction. All citizens there are legally able to possess and use cannabis. So this latest decision of the Supreme Court (the essence of the case was really state vs federal powers) will not really change anything much on the ground.
But this isn't a forum for the politics of prohibition, so I'll leave it at that. My purpose was simply to point out that cannabis is an effective and viable alternative for some, including those with PTSD. Of course, all the suggestions you and Purple Haze give in this thread are excellent ones. My own personal approach to health matters is a multi-disciplinary one, using both conventional and alternative threatments.