In Reply to: Re: Wardle Family Foundation gave $30,000 to the Family Care Foundation posted by nina on February 19, 2005 at 11:39:10:
someone on the inside needs to give us the scoop. If we can get the name and address where tithes are being sent to, that could be a starting point. Most exmembers who are actively on the prowl left years ago. What I've noticed is that it takes awhile for exmembers to process their having been in a lie for so long that they don't do anything about it until after they've thrown all their books away and lost all the info that could have been a help.
You are absolutely right, the small time tithing F. member has no idea where his or her money is going and more often than not they end up doing without so they can get their tithe in and not be on God's chopping block. When you think about the amount of tithe that is being sent to World Services one has to wonder just where it is all going. With no one to report to, they have full reign and can do what they want with it. Rick knew all this.