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Posted by I Know on January 23, 2005 at 00:52:54

Why have they apologised? So they can say thay have apologised! Do you not see that? There is no remorse. There

is no change of attitude! It's all smoke and mirrors! Or more blutly put, 'cover your ass!' bullshit and the "System will go

away!". They think that if they put out enough 'bullshit' for a long enough period of time it will all go away and they will

continue along their merry way. Newspapers and Investigative Reporting shows like Dateline, 20/20, PrimeTime, &

O'Reilly, look for the big scandalous story to keep ratings up but that's as far as they go. We lived through this in many

different places. We know of the manipulation, the coersion, the deception, the intimidation, the fear of losing contact

with loved ones still in the group whether they be children or parents. How would you live your life if from one day to the

next you were separated from your children? or parents? or siblings? Would you be able to start a new life after maybe

10 or 20 or 25 years of a belief system that you realized was a falsehood? And on top of it all without a dime in your

pocket? That Has happened to many people who were members of the Family. I myself included. I do not excuse Ricky

for what he did. It was wrong! Murder IS Wrong! But I think I understand why he did it. The Family, (David Berg &

Karen Zerby & their minions) destroyed within the group what throughout history has been the most important building

block of all societies--the family unit--a Father, a Mother and Children. They created through their own 'Family' through

manipluation and group sex and 'Law of Love' a doctrine which said that the 'greater Family good' was more important

than the physical family, thus destoying the basic fondation of society 'the family unit'. This was vital to Berg for the

continuation of his movement and is the principal reason for the problems of the SGAs. It's not just one or two letters from

MO. It is years of indoctrination and influence passed on from First Generation to Second Generation. That is why I

think the media doesn't often 'get it'. They have not grown up up with it as we did. We read those Letters or were read

those Letters every day and it permeated completely our lives to the point where reality was blurred. But it was wrong!

Look at the fruit of it! If Ricky was raised with such love and 'Godly influence' why was he driven to such an angry,

vengance filled end? Either something was terribly wrong with Ricky or someting was terribly wrong with his upbringing.

What do you think?