If any of you here is asked to interview the important point is to stay away from anything that could be "he said she said"There is a fact here whether you ever saw abuse of children or not. It was all in the letters. The Davidito Book is documented it was the begining of the child care revolution. The Letter the Devil Hates Sex states that incest is OK. The Letter The Last State is the begining of the teen training programs where poor Mene, Berg's own grandaughter is systematicly tortured so that the devil can be driven out of her. Then ofcourse there were the Victor Programs (again documented ) where both teens and adults were retrained put in solitary confinement often beaten to ensure that they could do it daddy's way.
But the sad piece is that the famly is conditioned to think that this is not abuse. That's why they can stand up and proclaim it never happened.
So what can we do??