In Reply to: Ricky grew up hearing prayers like this!! posted by Reposter on January 18, 2005 at 00:47:39:
that would show would a mixed up crazy world Berg created. I remember so many times Berg claimed acts of violence was God's judgment on people. How about that for a project - get the quotes together.
Like the plane crash in Tenerife was supposedly God's judgments because of them rejecting Berg
and some disaster in Indonesia that some brothers claimed was because they "shook off the dust of their feet" and God judged them. I think a hotel or restaurant fell into the ocean or something. But I think that was in a Mag.
And IRFers Beware - think about that one. Berg claimed this woman deserved being murdered! What kind of affect did that have on a young mind like Ricky's?????
Anyway, someone could get these kind of quotes together and we could put that as a link to show the violence that Berg promoted.