at movingon:
Monday, January 10, 2005 - 17:03
I know you are all wondering many things and have many unanswered questions. I will say this, there are answers coming soon to many of your questions. However there is a lot involved as it is a sensitive subject.
In the meantime the post is true, he did take her life, he did take his own. Most of all he did have his reasons and he did want you all to know. He will be missed greatly, he was my close friend and one of the most honorable & brave of the men I have met. I will not cry for him as he does not need tears anymore, I will cry for myself and us left behind as as our need for them will continue, as we lose many more. On a personal note I do not feel anything for those who were/are part of and suported the family and it's sick games they played on our lives. new