thanks - here's my favorite post from MovingOn

Posted by Acheick on July 01, 2004 at 17:20:08

In Reply to: More on Moore from MovingOn board posted by Reposter on June 29, 2004 at 23:05:50:

I did look around a little, and Susie was right in that there are varying viewpoints and this one was like a mirror of my thoughts - he nailed the latte sipping, spoiled children of the elite who just need a cause, to a tee:

From Baxter
Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 13:15

I was refering to the Academy Award.

Secondly, while I draw my own conclusions ( and inherently, my own misgivings and delusions) towards the War, my personal experience of interaction with said social group leads me to the belief that the greater number of people who constitute the mass numbers of the Anti-War campaign are not truly motivated by a desire to right the world's wrongs. I have attended anti-war rallies, and I must say I was sickened by what i saw; they mirrored the kind of mindless hysteria so commonplace in TF and other such abominations. These people had little or no genuine understanding of the cause in question, they merely agreed wit hwhat they were told.Their need for belonging superceded their search for objecitive answers in the extreme.

Obviously, this group is NOT reflected by all detractors of the US/ coalition involvement in the Gulf. But these people differ from the mindless mass in that they furnish their own arguments. I despise what I will refer to as the mindless facet of this movement, and indeed all movements, because in my view they detract from the purity of the cause and objective. How, pray tell, does a group of middle-class, mid-life crisis facing housewives stripping in front of Whitehall aid the search for peace?