Movie ratings! Any requests???

Posted by Freeatlast! on June 20, 2004 at 20:51:42

Okay everyone... for your viewing pleasure... below are five movies I've gleaned from the "Family's movie rate" program. Isn't so nice to have "jesus" and "dad" giving their views from heaven? You will be reminded that even though it's a "movie night"... we had to still "be in the spirit"... cult style! Thank God for deliverance!!!

The Stepford Wives (1975):
Summary: Thriller about two housewives trying to figure out the seemingly blissful and submissive state of the other women in a small town, where they have recently moved. Anti-cult slant. Not to everyone's liking.

Star Wars: Episode II
Prophecy: (Jesus:) This is a sci-fi movie with terrific special effects, computer graphics, etc., and those that enjoy those types of movies will most likely enjoy viewing this one. This is not a real "message" type of movie. For the most part it's "entertainment only" and fairly wholesome at that.

This prequel has the continuing threads of the complete Star Wars story, in which we see Anakin Skywalker slowly turning to the Dark Side and the evil Empire gaining control. If you have seen the other Star Wars movies, you can see clearly how Anakin's pride, his willfulness and his I-know-better, I-am-better attitude comes before his fall of being deceived by the darkness.

It's a story with a clear-cut distinction of good versus evil. It shows the need to rise above your emotions in order to stay connected to the power. They call this "the force," as they have throughout this series of movies. This gives the movie the "New Age" elements that the series has always had. The reality is that there are only two forces--good and evil. There is no other good force besides Me, and there is no other evil force besides Satan and his demons.

Those who are close to Me and filled with My Spirit can draw the right conclusions and parallels. It is in a way a modern-day futuristic parable. There's a distinct comparison with the spiritual battles that you face. It shows the way evil can creep in in an almost silent way and destroy the good. In many ways it's the picture of the world today--the struggle of good against bad--the bad that is becoming more prevalent, and the light of goodness that is fading fast.

There are other lessons that can be gleaned from this movie. It shows the need for two generations to work together. It shows where hate and vengeance leads to, and that there is great power if you focus on the good. There are lessons about not yielding to anger, about being obedient, yielded, and forsaking your own way.

Be prayed up as you view it so that you can take in the good and yet eschew the subtle inferences that are not of Me. It can motivate you to keep fighting evil with all your heart, as long as you don't give up, knowing that you will prevail as long as you stay close to Me and let Me do the fighting through you.

You, as the children of light, are having to learn how to combat the great darkness that is covering the earth. You're having to learn how to develop the spiritual gifts that I have given you, and learn how to wield the new weapons as well. It's still a learning process for you; you have to give your thoughts, your concentration, and your personal desires up in order for My power to have complete sway in your life. You're like My Jedi--you have the power, a power of light that the darkness can't overcome as long as you continue to wield the weapons you've been given.

Prophecy: (Jesus:) In many ways this is just an old-fashioned action movie with the hero fighting off the bad guys and protecting the world from evil. It's exciting and has captivating characters. It's clearly a good versus evil movie and has a lot of fun in there as well.

The violence is overdone in parts, especially the hand-to-hand combat between the two "supermen." If it weren't for this and a few other scenes, the movie could probably be suitable for a younger audience. But sadly, the producers fell prey to the "violence marketing scheme" in trying to appeal to kids who are so used to the violence that it doesn't faze them anymore. Though the violence is done in a mock manner as the superheroes are supposed to be almost invincible, there is still the underlying message that violence is okay if done for the right reasons.

The world never truly appreciates its heroes, and this is also true in this movie where the hero isn't truly appreciated, and when he does the right thing, it seems to only make matters worse. Yet in spite of it all he remains a hero and doesn't compromise with evil. This is a good message. Many times you, My children, have to make sacrifices to remain pure from the world's evil.

It's not a must-see movie by any means. It will only appeal to certain viewers. But it's not harmful and won't have negative effects on your spirit, if the viewer is mature enough to see it for what it is.

This movie is obviously a fantasy. It's easy to recognize that this is not true; it's someone's imagination. This type of movie, where it's so clearly not true, not even partly true, is less dangerous to My children than movies that are subtle and where the lines between fact and fiction are blurred. While this movie doesn't have much to offer as far as lessons or depth, it would be enjoyable to some people.

This movie can be for JETTs, providing the parents or guardians preview it and ask Me about showing it to their children. It should only be shown to those JETTs whose parents have the faith for it and are willing to take the responsibility for it. They can't expect WS to make that decision; the parents have the ultimate responsibility.

Spy Game
Prophecy: (Jesus:) This movie is about a man who stuck to his beliefs and did what he knew to be right. He knew the System's way of "looking out for its own" and wasn't afraid to buck it. There were good examples of the younger having so much to learn from the elder, and also good lessons on teamwork, trust, being on guard, and an interesting look into the world of espionage. It isn't a spy fantasy story where the hero can shoot his way out of anything, but gives a more realistic perspective.

It doesn't glamorize or glorify the U.S. military, which is good, but it's fairly realistic in its portrayal of both good and bad. It's an interesting look at the lives of some people who have been involved in covert operations and what they go through--the danger, and especially the lack of trust, never knowing exactly who is on your side. You can be thankful for the trust that you have in the Family because of your unity and the love I've given you.

It shows how corrupt and evil the powers that be are, and how little respect they have for the pawns they use for their own purposes and for the lives of these people.

There are some scenes in a Chinese prison that some might find disturbing, so be prayed up and be sure it is okay with Me for you to view this film, if you are sensitive to these types of scenes.

It also shows how much My children need Me and My protection and the power of the keys, for how will they be able to fight against and outsmart evil men who will be out to get them in the Endtime without My supernatural power? That is why it is so important to train now with the spiritual weapons I have given. The Devil's powers are no match against My power.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Civilization
Prophecy: (Jesus:) This is an action/adventure movie, and is pretty predictable in that respect-lots of surrealistic action and unbelievable maneuvers by the heroes of the movie. There's a fair bit of violence, including a couple of graphic scenes, although it's more the typical action movie kind, where there's lots of shooting and the good guys never seem to get hurt.

I don't like any kind of violence, but in some ways the light attitude towards death and inflicting pain that's brought out in many action movies like this is worse than seeing the more realistic effects when they show all the gore and suffering, because it desensitizes people. If you really pray and are on guard and mindful of this ploy of the Enemy to desensitize the masses through this kind of action movie violence, you can protect your spirit, and you can receive My cleansing afterwards. It's important to do that, as otherwise you're pretty much partaking of the Enemy's propaganda, and even if not to the same extent as the people of the world, to some extent you can lose the purity and perspective that I want you to have.

On the positive side, this movie has a good example of being dedicated completely to the cause that you feel is worth dying for, and not letting anything get in the way. Sometimes it's easy to feel ready to take a bullet for the cause you're living for, but when it comes down to forsaking something you really love, that's where the crunch comes in.

On the negative side, the movie's main figure is a calloused feminist who is proud, arrogant, reckless, overly ambitious, competitive, and insulting. To be blunt, she is the total antithesis of the wise and virtuous woman of Proverbs and is caught in a cruel and vicious cycle of having to belittle and outdo everyone else.

The Last Samurai
rophecy: (Jesus:) This is a moving portrayal of the samurai at the time of the modernization of Japan. It clearly sides with the samurai; though in history nothing is completely black and white. Modernization did help the country in some ways, and hurt it in others.

This is a good movie because it focuses on the importance of a clear understanding of other cultures and peoples. So many in history have made the mistake of making assumptions about others who they didn't understand, and as a result of those wrong assumptions they ended up as enemies when things could have been resolved more peacefully and cooperatively.

The movie is well made and filmed, and will be especially interesting to those who are interested in the Japanese culture and traditions. Despite some bloody scenes, it is nonetheless a movie worth watching.

While you, My children, are not of this world and so you cannot have such a deep love for your culture and land as those in this movie do, you can have that deep love for your Family-doing anything at all costs to preserve your foundation and beliefs.

Good points about this movie are:

* Insight into the Japanese culture.