In Reply to: Zerby's latest bullshit posted by Doctor on June 19, 2004 at 07:00:49:
"As you know, right or wrong, when perceptions take root and people develop certain attitudes, it can be very difficult to change those perceptions and attitudes."
"As you know, changes of mindsets and outlooks are the hardest to take root in the Family."
As much as TF likes to think of itself as "new wine" and "revolutionary," the truth is this: The group and its leadership is very stuck and rigidly solidified in its world view. When people are motivated & controlled primarily by fear, they cling to what they know & have (even when it makes them miserable), because their fear of the unknownn (change) is greater than the pain of staying the same.
This current reorganization of TF is really noting new--just more of the same old same old.
Without a full, indepth reading of this patronizing missive to the faithful (which largely seems to have been written by Kelly), I would guess that the really significant difference between CM and MM are two things: money and sex. CM homes tithe more money, CM homes do more active "sharing" between the generations and provide a larger number of sweet young things for service to top leadership.