If you noticed, in between lame accusations of SamA, desperately looking for old bones, and discussing what sins the U.S. is guilty of or not, there is an earthquake shaking up things in cult land. There are a lot of people leaving. We have already gotten a few distressed calls, people asking for info on how to get set up, looking for support, help, etc. There are a lot of young people in particular. These are kids that are leaving their families behind and they need all the support they can get. They look to us because we are the older members who did leave and maybe we can help them since their parents cannot.
Are there any volunteers that would like to help in this area? Any ideas on what we can do to the website that would help these people who are now looking in on us and wondering what the heck to do?
Do you realize the effect that this tightening up is having on everyone? Maria is taking TF back to the days before the British court case and the charter. This is not good. In a way, it might be good because it is forcing a lot of the SGAs out who really don't want that lifestyle, but it is bad because it is going to mean we are going to lose touch with our friends and loved ones. That those kids that are left, who cannot leave are going to experience more tightening up on them to force them to stay in. This is not good.