In Reply to: Details of SG Court Case in California posted by Anovagrrl on March 27, 2004 at 06:02:01:
from porceleindoll - Thursday, April 18, 2002
I posted this on other boards because some of the older generation still have a hard time believing abuses happened in the group, simply because a conviction wasn't handed out in a court of law. This proves the lengths the group will go to in order to prevent a conviction from happening.
This is a communication I received from my cousin who was born in the group and lived for many years. If any of you remember back about 8 years ago or so, I can't remember exactly, there was a prayer request about a court case in San Diego with allegations of child abuse, this is the court case, how it came about and behind the scenes.
My cousin asked that I don't take out the names in her account or change anything she wrote, here is her words on it:
"First of all, the Family has been proven guilty in a court of law of child molestation and has had to pay out huge amounts of money, of which I don't know that they actually paid it but that was the court's ruling. I can put you in contact with someone who does a lot of work on court cases like this, and keeps up to date, on when, were, and how the Family gets sued and loses. SO don't believe the lies of the family, just remember their truths are made up to suite whatever they are doing at that moment. They can never be truly honest, it is against their nature.
Second of all, if you want to put what I wrote in that letter on a web page then you must promise me that you will not change one word or one letter of that e-mail, you may give an explanation of why I wrote it, like: this is in response to a question about the court case, but I am asking you please don't try and butter it up, these are real people, these are their real names and this is what really happened, there is no reason to pretend it was any other way or act like it happened to some one else.
I am not ashamed, and those predators in the story lived and did those things. If the story is told, I would only ask that it is told in the spirit it was written--truth. I am not going to hide, and those who would hide are the ones who need to be exposed.
The other reason I ask that we not change the names, is because that is just like what they are doing- changing the truth till it fits the way they like. I am honest with myself and I try to be just as honest with others, if there is one thing I don't want to have in my life from the COG is their lack of honesty, I think thats one of the main reasons they are so fucked up.
(end of request about leaving in the names)
To explain one thing, the girl, Miriam, is my flesh sister. How this happened, it's a very long story that doesn't involve incense, my dad had an affair with his brother's wife, a few years after my uncle and wife divorced, resulting in a sister for us. We, my siblings and I, are not ashamed of her and openly acknowledge her as both our cousin and more closely, our sister, though we have not been there for her in her life. My mother, though not in the group, has acknowledged her as well and even extended her home and help to our sister for a few months, despite my Mom's anger at the group and their interference in keeping us apart from her while we were on the field and she was a "backslider" and worldy influence.
If you are sensitive to child abuse you may not want to read this.
Though it's not copywrited, out of politeness, please contact me if you would like to use it or contact my cousin.
The second thing, the court case. WOW and a BIG WOW that was. Well this is what happened. I was living in SD close to my father going to school, I was about 20 yrs old. I had kept in contact with my immediate family members, and one day I was talking to my mom and she said Miriam had been trying to commit suicide, well I freaked out, she had been to the hospital several times for things like cutting herself, drinking liquid draino and a number of things. I searched my heart for an answer and I knew I had to do something, well I didn't have a lot of money and I lived in a studio apt with one bed. So I talked to my father and Autumn and Windy to see if they were willing to help, and they said they would do what they could. So I sent for Miriam. She came to live with me and at first it was amazing.
I would go to school in the mornings and get back around noon, take her for lunch and we would go walk on the beach, or play racquet ball, I tried to teach her how to roller blade but that was a disaster-ha. I just felt like if she had some good stuff in her life, just love and healthy things that she would come around and she would be ok, I just thought love would save the day, you know love conquers all and all that bull shit. Well what I learned was that it takes more than love, it takes responsibility for our own actions, and honesty with our selves, and a willingness to really accept reality and the realities of life for what they truly are. But needless to say with all the "good" training Miriam received in the family of blaming GOD or the DEVIL for everything so not to take personal responsibility, and making up her own truths, she was blind to the reality of her situation. I tried to talk to her and explain that she had a choice she didn't have to be an alcoholic at 16 and that she had to see that what happened to her wasn't something she has to punish herself for for the rest of her life. But I couldn't convince her, and her problems became increasingly worse. She was so self destructive and I was sure one day I was going to come home from school and find her laying in a pool of her own blood. I needed help. That is what it all came down to. Autumn and Windy tried, my Dad didn't think I should be doing anything with my sister, instead he gave me an ultimatum, so things were going pretty rough. I then decided that Miriam needed more help than I was capable of giving her. So I called Social services to see if I could put Miriam on Medicaid so I could get her to a therapist, or counselor, anyone just someone that knew more than me about helping people in her situation.
To be able to get help for Miriam she had to be a ward of the state, which means the state had to take custody of her so she could get hospitalized and get benefits like health benefits and benefits for college. She would still be able to live with me but she would get the things that her parents were supposed to be making sure she got, but neither of them were concerned with that and I was a starving student without any means of paying for all the treatment she needed.
So I talked with Miriam about it and she knew she needed therapy and she agreed that this would be the best path. Well, to become a ward of the state the state must prove that the parents are unfit to be her parents. Well being that neither of them had sent any money to help her live, weren't concerned that she had all these emotional problems and basically abandoned her I thought all that would be enough, but when the social worker heard about the rest of the shit that Miriam had to go thru, like the sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, the social worker (Karen) put all of that into her case file and took it all to court.
This is when the COG got involved. Miriam had alleged that Jay (Phillip Slown) had sexually molested and physically abused her, among other things. I don't know if you know this man, but he is one sick son of a bitch. He just got off by doing weird shit to us kids, like he used to make my sister Michelle eat raw sugar till she puked in the bowl and then he made her eat her puke, or the time when he made her drink some sort of cleaning fluid until the white of her eyes turned this greenish yellow color. Or the time when I walked into the bathroom because I could hear my little 4 yr old sister screaming in pain to find him sitting on the floor in front of the toilet holding her on the pot with one hand and his other hand up inside of her, or the way he would go into a trance when he would start to beat us and no matter how hard we screamed he would just keep throwing punches till there was blood he loved to draw blood.
Or the time my little 5 month old brother was sick and crying he wouldn't go to sleep and so he started just beating him, I have to say I was really scared that time because I wasn't sure my brother was going to make it. Or the time I woke up to find him laying beside me masturbating and his hands inside my ass. I could go on and on, I have a million stories like that.
Any ways Miriam said that she remembered what he had done to her. Well we were keeping my Mom and Tom aware of everything that was going on, and we were going through the state taking custody of Miriam with their consent, it wasn't until that came out and Mom told Jay that the family got involved. Jay convinced my mother and Tom that they needed to go to San Diego and stand up for him and make sure we quit telling lies. They sent some Family members and my parents. Oh that was a hard one, after every thing that we had lived through then for the Family and our mother to side with him. Fuck that hurt. Well, the family took me out to dinner and told me that I should give it to God and if Jay had done anything wrong that the Lord would punish him in his own time and that "vengeance is mine saith the Lord". Can I ask you to image my disgust with these people, I can't even explain it. All I know is I was there when Jay did most of his sick perverted shit, and I knew she wasn't lying, and even if I was never there or didn't even know Jay, these are serious enough things that a court of law took her seriously but her own mother and supposedly the "good guys" the ones who where supposed to be of God and protect her were the ones we had to fight off, because like vultures they came to devour what little self confidence she had left.
They wanted me to drop the charges against Jay, I questioned them over and over at that table because my mom and the Family had always denied knowing about the abuse, so I made sure that they knew that he was an abuser and that they still wanted to take his side on this. I asked them why, not why couldn't they see he was an abuser, because they were already admitting that Jay had more than a few complaints about his perversions, no the main thing we were in disagreement with was how they could harbor him and come and stick up for him and not think that he should be punished. I mean he didn't even have the guts to face me, he sent my mother who had been manipulated by his abuse for years, and there she was again making sure she kept his little dirty secret, and there was the Family explaining to me how it is more important that one soul is lost (Miriam) than all the souls that would be lost if Jay was sent to prison or excommunicated. This in my opinion was just their way of not taking responsibility and not seeing the realities of life for what they were, and God knows it certainly wasn't honest. To tell you the truth it was sickening but good, because I had some guilt like maybe I was too hard on the Family and maybe the abuse I suffered wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, but when I saw them that day it was so clear for me, I have never again doubted that I was in the wrong about the abuse.
The one thing I would like to say is that it wasn't up to me, it never was; and it was never about the COG or Jay it was about getting Miriam some help. But the funny thing to me was I had all these people asking me to drop this or do that, I never brought suit against them I never had the power to drop anything or do anything about anything, this fight wasn't about me and them. They are so narcissistic that they made it all about them. Fucking idiots. Well, after they made it about them, so did I. They made me out to be this powerful demon who was fighting them, well I became that; I became their worst nightmare. But the only power I ever had was the power that they gave me by making it all about them and an attack on them. I wasn't attacking them I was trying to protect my sister, but they drew their sticks to beat me off, so I drew my sword.
I told them that this was just the court proceedings, and after the judge ruled in our favor for Miriam to be a ward of the state it would implicated in he court documents that those allegations of Miriam’s were true and I would take the court documents and my word and any one else who was willing and I would go to the FBI with the reports and I would make sure Jay was put in jail forever. They were so scared, to tell you the truth it felt good to see them shake in their boots, to intimidate my intimidator.
The Family said well what can we do we will do whatever you want just don't do that. So I told them that I wanted Jay to come and face us, and I wanted my mother to confront him about the way he had beaten and abused her, and I wanted to be able to tell him that I remembered what he did and who he was, and Miriam wanted to face him, with the protection of the law and me she needed to be able to face him and intimidate him, the one who all our lives made sure we were his slaves.
The other thing was that Miriam wanted Jay to pay back my parents for traveling across the country and leaving my other brothers and sisters just to keep his dirty secret safe. And I wanted to see him get some therapy if he wasn't going to jail. So the deal was, he had to come to San Diego and face us, and I wanted a top leader there so there could be no more denial, so a national shepherd came. Then he was going to pay us $5,000 dollars and he was going to attend therapy sessions for sexual predators. If he complied I would not go to the FBI.
I don't know now that I think about it he got off pretty damn easy if you ask me. But I wasn't out for blood. I just wanted Miriam to see that it wasn't her fault and the person responsible was being punished in hopes that she could start taking some responsibility for her own life. And I wanted Jay to remember next time he thought about doing something nasty that it would cost him something and it would be painful for him to, maybe that would be a deterrent. Who knows. But he did go to therapy for sex offenders and he did pay the $5,000.
Well that is pretty much the jist of it. We did win that case and Miriam was a ward of the state, we got her some therapy but her life has never been easy, nor has she been able to kick some pretty bad patterns. But at least she is still alive and breathing, I talk to her as much as I can, but she moves a lot. She doesn't have much stability in her life, I think because even after she left the group there was nothing out here for her like a father who loved and supported her and showed her that life doesn't have to be like that. The reason I say father is because it seems that is what we all left looking for, me and all the rest of my sisters, we all wanted to find our real fathers, the one who would never hurt us like the other ones, the one who would unconditionally love us and was proud to be our father. She never found that and she has been at such a loss without it.
(end of note from my cousin)
A little insight, the first two daughters of this family are my flesh cousins, Kristi and one more. The second (and maybe third) are not related to me in anyway, the third is my sister, the rest of the children are from other men. My aunt and her children are a result of the Family's teachings about the Law of Love, FFing, sharing, and though she has a very good man to care for her now, her children are the ones suffering through both her decisions and the group's influences.
My cousin's younger brother also recently died, either of drug overdose or suicide, it hasn't been clearly confirmed, but again, as a result of the group and their long reaching, deep effecting doctrines. It's a very sad story.
I am hesitant to post this and will delete it if necessary, but legally, these facts have all been proven are records can be found on them, my cousin has nothing to hide about it.