According to the latest from the wine-presses of the cult... it's going to be the "era of obedience" (oh God... NOT AGAAAAAAAINNNNNN)! Just as we suspected... "Jesus" showed Mama and Peter that the WHOLE CM family has to be "purged" to prepare them for the "restructuring" time. So, all CMer's are not to have any "worldly influences"... which includes 6 months of NO INTERNET, except for business purposes.
Hmmm... do you think they are trying to keep the pure and on-fire CMers from getting any devilish imput from Vandari and the ex-member community?
The new Missionary Member status will still have to give their 14%, to WS, but not have to live the CM standard. Money, money, money!
*this GN can be downloaded on the Moving On site:
Forward, Always Forward!
Restructuring the Family of the Future, Part 1
By Mama and Peter CM/FM 3479 1/04
136. This time of renewal will be different than the fast of worldly input that the Brazil Family underwent. While WS will be cutting back on the production of many of the monthly pubs in order to focus our energies and time on the other publications and material that need to be created, there will still be some publications that you will receive that relate to the Family restructuring, as the Lord leads. You will continue to receive any new GP tools, new books, and new GP music CDs that are scheduled to reach you during this time. The board structure will continue to operate, although it may run at a slower pace, because board members will also need to focus on their personal lives, changes within their Homes‚ etc. Everyone will retain
their right of mobility and you will not lose your status.
137. During this period there will be no movie watching, TV watching, System music, novel reading, computer games, or Internet browsing (except for business purposes). Unlike the Family in Brazil, you will not be asked to forgo fellowship times and parties of more than four Homes gathered together (as was the case in Brazil), nor will you be asked to forgo drinking alcohol in moderation. This time of renewal is not a punishment, but a period designed to help you set aside distractions of the world so that you can, as an individual and as a Home, concentrate on becoming the winning disciples and winning Homes that the Lord has commissioned us to be.