In Reply to: Re: Follow the money trail! Is it all about money? posted by curious on March 28, 2003 at 07:16:53:
What's a person gotta do to stimulate critical thinking....
Take a close look at that one liner post again to which I replied and tell me what that one liner really does in "telling" something. It just shuts down debate again without facts. So if I do something to make you stop and think THEN THAT is a 'low blow?'
This is not a question of low blows...this is an attempt to create some thinking here.
Remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Is this what much of this is about? A self-esteem issue?
This is debate...debate....we are trying to think here. If something reminds me of a mo letter I will say it. Don't call it a low blow and think about it. Please.