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Responsibility to testify

Posted by Donny on December 08, 2002 at 23:37:46

In Reply to: different options posted by exmember on December 08, 2002 at 21:53:34:

You said, "for sure if some older exer knew about abuse & that case came up & they were asked to testify, they should testify." I certainly agree. I don't think there's any question about that point.

But what PD was pointing out was that there might be a high price tag for some exmembers to do so. They come forward as a witness on ONE issue but meanwhile the cult decides that the best way to try to win the case is to throw every bit of muck and shit at that witness to discredit them. It's called an "ad homenen" attack by the way and the cult has perfected the technique. The idea is to discredit the message by casting the messenger in a bad light.

Remember when Jeremy Spencer's daughter (I believe it was Marisha) testified in the British case and the cult's lawyers mocked her and tried to discredit her because she was a sex trade worker? "How could you believe the testimony of someone like this?" Till of course the videos came out showing her being filmed dancing nude at age 4 and then it became clear where she had received her sexual training.

But let's say some FGA was a leader in a certain country and had knowledge about the workings of a Victor Camp there. And one day 4 SGAs who were interred in that Victor Camp track down the Victor Camp shepherd(s) and a court case is on. Then they need the expert witness of that FGA exmember who knows the details and can help them with their case. Should he step on the witness stand if it helps those 4 SGAs win their case, but in the process destroys his career, job, etc. and the court case devastates his family and his own 4 small children?

You can see the dilemna here: this leader knows the right thing IS to testify, even at huge personal cost to himself, but he also knows that every bit of his own life is going to be under the microscope, every bit of dirty laundry dragged out in a sick, desperate effort to destroy him as a human being, by a cult that preaches love but practices hatred. Unless you have been in that personal Gethsemane yourself it's very wise to hold on judging the agony of that person making the choice. Yes, in the end, I beleive most people I know would still testify because it is the right thing to do.

But it may not be right to expect them to expose themselves to open war with the cult before that day. Follow the difference? I think we have no way of telling which direction justice will take and which routes it will first be manifested at this time and though it may be helpful to discuss the issues of responsibility and wisdom in acting when and where, a lot of this is speculation.

As far as going to the media, that's every person's personal choice.