Daniel Albatross' letter is an impassioned heartcry and as he said, the SGAs are young, very highly motivated and more than willing to "go the distance" to seek justice. Not revenge, justice.
For crying out loud, they're not even talking about dismantling the Family like some of us FGAs want to see happen. All they're asking is that the guilty be turned over to justice. Why can't the Family do that? Let me guess: because top of the list of the ones they want to face justice are Karen Zerby and Steve Kelly, the Family's two top leaders. So the level of leaders under Kelly and Zerby feel that to turn in the guilty they have to start with turning in their leaders (and maybe even themselves too!!)and THAT would destroy the Family.
No it would not. It is frankly the last fucking chance the lower level Family members have to save the Family as any kind of entity. And these "conservative" Family members that Maria is hooting down (to stop the Famly from going conservative and mainstream), are the only ones with any kind of sense.
But the leaders are NOT willing to make the necessary sacrifices and changes because they are interested in preserving themselves about the regular Family members and even above their vaunted goal of "winning the world". Face it. A few years ago when SGAs inside the Family began taking over the reins of lower leadership, they began to push to go more mainstream and conservative, but they were NOT listened to. They were ignored. And they are being hooted down and ignore to this very day, as the post by MG shows. The old bottle FGA leadershit of the Family is very, very firmly entrenched and are determined to ignore their own SGA under-leaders and lead the ship where they damn well please because supposedly some spirit impersonating Jesus is telling them to. Can you believe that bull?
Family members, your leaders are at the helm of a Titanic headed full steam toward an ice berg. They won't slacken speed or change course and to stop the ship would mean getting rid of THEM. But they don't want to face justice. They care more for their own survival than for the good of you, the sincere, sane Family member who wants to preserve the Family.
You've been hanging in there hoping things will change, still believing in the "basic" good of the Family. Or maybe you no longer have the dream but you like the lifestyle cause you know the ropes and its cushy and easy. Well, if you like an easy lifestyle, better get out of the Family cause things are gonna get quite shitty there soon.
If you want to serve God, or if you just like an easy no-stress lifetyle, then for sanity's sake take your family and get out of the Family. You cannot stay in the Family and not suffer the consequences because your present leadership, Steve Kelly, Karen Zerby, Sam Perfilio and others are determined to save themselves first of all even if it means the destruction of the entire Family. Again, they are taking the Family full steam ahead toward the iceberg.
And when the ship hits the iceberg you can be certain that they will NOT be there to nobly go down with it. They already have their flee funds and contingency funds and retirement funds and have a lifeboat to jump into. They will leave YOU to go down with the ship while they escape. Do you think they don't already have their plans mapped out in detail?
I wish to God you sane Family members could grab the steering wheel and take the Family off the course of destruction that Zerby and Kelly are determined to take it on. But it's not going to happen. Remember James' Penn's letter, "No Regrets?" As a top WS worker he says he repeatedly tried to stand in the train tracks and stop the train from heading for certain destruction and derailing, but Zerby and Kelly continually ignored his sane advice and kept railroading their foolishs plans through---plans and programs that HURT the Family.
Finally he did the only sane thing to do in the end. He got out of the Family before it went down. Think about it. It's time for you to do the same thing.