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Re: If RF ever leaves

Posted by ethicist on December 06, 2002 at 17:14:42

In Reply to: If RF ever leaves posted by Thinker on December 06, 2002 at 13:57:20:

good point, but the thing is, the only reason I have a beef with him is because of what he is doing. If he gave up the deception and left the group, I'd leave him alone. I'd try and be a support. God knows I have enough blood on my hands.

But that logic can extend to Zerby -- well let's not be too harsh in case she decides to change -- or other Family leaders. The point is, if you're going to be a big shot in the group, then you are setting yourself up to take heat. You are not a victim, you are an oppressor. I know lots of current leaders who are nice people, civil people, people I can have a coffee with. But they all sign off on and enforce Family practices and doctrine, and that makes them not very nice people in my books. And as long as they wear that uniform and support wholeheartedly (not like the halfhearts MG talks about) the group, I will oppose them. And if they don't like it, tough.

As somebody famous said,"Sometimes you have to put your principles aside and do the right thing."

Every day the Family is screwing up countless lives, young and old, a little more. Maybe some of us are destined to be good cops, some bad cops, I don't know. I feel each person has to sort out what works best for them. I don't think there is a monolithic right or wrong way to go about this. Diversity can mean strength, as no one can figure it all out.

But if people think about it, discuss it, and develop a rationale for their approach, that's good enough for me. I enjoy the recent debate here, but it's a pain when some people resort to name calling and the like to shut someone down.

I don't expect people to adapt my viewpoint. Everyone should, IMHO, go at their own speed without pressure. My views are different from a year ago, and could very well be different in a year from now -- Cool!
